General Soul Searching

2020 Thoughts

       I can’t believe it’s 2020! It really felt like those last couple weeks of 2019 went by so damn quickly I hardly had time to think. And honestly I was trying not to think and just auto-pilot through it all. Well we’re finally over the holidays, I’m back from our trip to Disneyland, and reality is setting in. There are things I wanted to accomplish that I didn’t and it’s mostly from a lack of discipline (thank you Organic Olivia in her new podcast for opening my eyes). 

       At this moment I now have renewed motivation to get my shit together. And that mostly means: getting our budget back on track (we have over $14k in credit card debt right now that I am not proud of) including going back to my no-buys and only shopping consciously. It also means committing to taking care of myself by way of meditation, journaling, or whatever feels right and making it a habit and something that I don’t compromise. Even taking vitamins daily is a struggle for me and I think it’s because I don’t value my own self care enough. So I’m going to work on that, especially because I want to get pregnant and I want to be my best self starting that journey some day (hopefully soon). 

       All this to say that if you’re like me and feeling like the you’re the only one with credit card debt or that doesn’t take care of themselves, you’re definitely not. And maybe we can commit together to get some of these goals on track and accomplish some good things in 2020 (not BIG things, because they can be small even tiny, but GOOD things).

       Signing off for now, hope you enjoyed my little update. Let me know what you’re trying to commit to and accomplish in 2020, maybe we can hold each other accountable!