Victoria      I did it! I picked a name, bought a domain, and now I finally have myself a blog. I’ve honestly been thinking about this for a long time – it’s one of those funny things where you don’t listen to your instincts and push a feeling off for a while. Well I finally listened to myself and decided it was time I took action and created a place to share my thoughts and experiences with the world. 
      First maybe a little about me? My name is Victoria, and I go by ‘Victoria.’ I never had any connection with any of the applicable nick names, plus I always felt it was so much more regal to go by my full name and THAT I connected with. Who doesn’t want to feel regal?
      I was born and raised in a suburb of Olympia, Washington (the state’s capital city) and I still live here to this day. I have never lived anywhere else except a couple of years in Seattle during college. I absolutely love the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and I can’t imagine ever leaving. I have been married for just over a year now and can honestly say I am with the man I was meant to find in this world, soul mates, whatever you want to call it – that’s us. I am also a step-mother to an incredible 9-year-old girl who has the sass of an 18-year-old, and I can’t get enough; it’s been the most incredible experience of my life to be a part of hers. During the day I work a pretty normal job, managing the office for a financial advisor; in all reality it is much more than a job, I have absolutely found my life’s work there in addition to an incredible friend in my boss. Beyond that I’m here to start sharing all my other thoughts and experiences.
Some of my favorite things, and possibly my official passions:
  • Green, clean, non-toxic beauty and skin care
  • Coffee
  • Minimalism
  • Spirituality and introspectiveness
      That list of items is a very abbreviated idea of what I plan to share with you via this blog and my future posts.
Let’s do this!
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